Name Origins - TL;DR

While I was looking for Cosplay brand names for me, my friends and I had pitched Reyquiem as a potential name.
Sy: Reyquiem is nice but kind of isolating. It’s almost snooty.
Me: Uh have you met me.
Sy: Plus, yeah, death
Me: It’s perfect.
Sy: How about ‘SnootyDeath Cosplay’

Name Origins - FULL

Back in the mid-to-late 2010’s, before streaming, I first considered getting into the public sphere through Cosplay. I had done a few test cosplay at conventions near me and had made a prop of my own. Knowing that having a recognizable name is key to being found and remembered, I workshopped ideas with Sy and friends. I was always drawn to the idea of including my name, Rey, in the title, so the very first ideas we pitched were:
After Reyquiem was pitched, we had the following conversation:
Sy: “Reyquiem is nice but kind of isolating. It’s almost snooty.”
Me: “Uh have you met me.”
Sy: “Plus, yeah, death”
Me: “It’s perfect.”
Sy: “SnootyDeath Cosplay”
I thought Sy was mostly joking, and I myself wasn’t the biggest fan of the name. We eliminated NekoRey and Reygn, keeping Reynegade and Reyquiem on the table, and added the following:
At this point we further narrowed it down to Reynegade, Reyalized, and Reyning; but my friends continued to bring up SnootyDeath, refusing to allow it to be eliminated. I made the joke “hahaha omg I’m gonna get outvoted with SnootyDeath and that’s gonna end up my name”
Our very last round of workshopping included:
Reyman Noodles
AmIReyght 😉
And more...
Sy: “Reynegade is probably still in the lead right now. With ReyConStruction possibly second? SnootyDeath is still here in the corner silently judging the universe. I gotta move that to the “find a use later” list. We can’t not use it for SOMETHING.”
With that, unable to agree on one option unanimously, we eliminated most of the options and narrowed it down for a final list of voting. The contestants were:
Reymember Me
Reyning, Reyalized, and Reymember Me all get voted out quickly, leaving us with the very first suggestion of Reynegade and the dark horse of SnootyDeath.
I voted Reynegade, and it ends up being a tie.
Sy is the deciding vote.
Me: “But it kinda makes me sound…. Snooty. And you know if we pick SnootyDeath, people will start just calling me SnootyDeath. And do we want people going “OMG THERE’S SNOOTYDEATH”
Sy votes….. for SnootyDeath.Apparently, yes.
Henceforth, I was known as SnootyDeath… and I’m happy to say that since then, the name has grown on me. And my husband knows me better than I do.